We Help YouTubers Grow Their Channel’s Revenue with Custom Products

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What We Do 

Creator Launchpad specialises in helping YouTube creators boost earnings and connect with fans through custom products. We focus on authentic, brand-aligned items you'll love to share, not generic merchandise. 

Understanding your audience can be challenging, but we're here to design products that truly resonate with your vision.

We handle everything from concept to creation, freeing you up to focus on making great videos. Our seamless, hands-off process ensures these products are extensions of your brand, deepening audience connections and growing your income. 

Why Listen to Us?

Hey, Alex here…

As one of the minds behind this program, I've walked the path you may be on right now. With a passion for mountain biking, I've grown a vibrant community of over 400k followers across YouTube and social media over the last 5 years. 

This is one of my YouTube channels…

Alex Holwoko Mountain Biker
Wolfpack Adventures YouTube Channel & 100K Award
Peter Langan Amazon FBA Seller & Brand Founder

Meanwhile, Peter has been the operational wizard, making sure our visions turn into reality. Together, we've mastered the art of selling physical products online, drawing on 16 combined years of successful e-commerce experience.

Here’s a glimpse of what we've achieved…

While we've had our share of success on platforms like Amazon & Shopify, our focus has always been broader: selling physical products successfully online, in ways that resonate with and add real value to our audience.

I decided to launch my own product line tailored for mountain bikers—my audience. This wasn't just about monetising; it was about offering something genuine, something I would use and my audience would love.

The goal? To monetize authentically, preserving the trust I'd built over the years.Many creators face the same dilemma

How to diversify income without losing the essence of what made their channel special.

That's why we created this program—to bridge the gap between content creation and product monetisation, offering a hands-off solution that respects your audience and your passion.

20,000 pounds Amazon FBA Sales Month 1

Trusted By

Product Launch Ninja LogoGreenoval Youtube Channel Land RoverApex Series Mountain Biking Googles LogoWolfpack Adventurers YouTube Channel Logo

How We Do It

1. Streamlined Strategy Workshop: Get started with a one-day, strategy session where we come to you (UK/ROI). Together we explore your channel and vision, laying the groundwork for a perfect product fit.

2. Hassle-Free Manufacturing: With 16+ years behind us, we handle all negotiations and prototyping, ensuring a standout product with zero stress on your part. Focus on your content; we've got the product covered.

3. Simple Logistics & Sales Setup: From manufacturing to your viewers' hands, we manage every step. We also optimise your online sales channels, making product selling straightforward and hassle-free.

4. Effortless Branding & Marketing: Our team develops your product's branding and marketing materials, requiring minimal input from you. We ensure your product shines without adding to your workload.

5. Continuous, Easy Support: Post-launch, we offer support and insights without overwhelming you. Benefit from our community and personalised advice, all with a hands-off approach for you.

The Result:

A custom product that boosts your brand and revenue, achieved with minimal effort from you. Creator Launchpad ensures a smooth, stress-free journey to success.

It’s Not All Just About Selling Products…

It's about strengthening your relationship with your audience by offering them value in new ways. 

It's about ensuring you can continue doing what you love—creating content—while also securing a diversified, stable income. 

Our program is designed to solve this process, making it accessible and authentic for creators who want to grow without compromise.

You've built a foundation of passion, content, and community. 

Now, let's expand on that success together. Our service is designed to boost your channel's income and growth, all while deepening the trust you've established with your audience. 

We handle the intricacies of product development and monetisation, so you can focus on creating content that resonates. 

Creator working on a desk
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